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Sail the routes you dreamed about in your childhood!
Voyage description
Price: From €750 per person
Passengers: 12
Age 18+ or 12+ if accompanied by an adult
30 SEPT – 5 OCT 2023
6 – 15 OCT 2023
18 – 24 OCT 2023
25 OCT – 13 NOV 2023
16 – 21 NOV 2023
22 NOV – 1 DEC 2023
Voyage description
Price: From €750 per person
Passengers: 12
Age 18+ or 12+ if accompanied by an adult
30 SEPT – 5 OCT 2023
6 – 15 OCT 2023
18 – 24 OCT 2023
25 OCT – 13 NOV 2023
16 – 21 NOV 2023
22 NOV – 1 DEC 2023
About the voyage
Voyages on the tall sailing ship Eldorado following the routes everyone dreamed of as a child, when reading books about sailing adventures and Great Geographical Discoveries.
During the voyage you'll be fully immersed in the art of sailing. You will keep watch and take the helm, set sails, work with ropes and make nautical knots. You will learn why we have to use paper charts and keep a logbook.

You can join any leg or do the entire route!
number of days: from 5 to 19
distance: from 710 to 3100 nm
The weather at sea may change rapidly. The captain has the right to change the planned routes and times of departure to accommodate for the weather changes.
The weather at sea may change rapidly. The captain has the right to change the planned routes and times of departure to accommodate for the weather changes.
number of days: from 5 to 19
distance: from 710 to 3100 nm
30 Sep - 05 Oct 2023
Bremerhaven (Germany) – Brest (France)
distance: 750 nm in 5 days
6 – 15 OCT 2023
Brest (France) – Tenerife (Spain)
distance: 1400 nm in 9 days
18 – 24 OCT 2023
Tenerife (Spain) – Mindelo (Cabo Verde)
distance: 840 nm in 6 days
25 OCT – 13 NOV 2023
Mindelo (Cabo Verde) - Itajai (Brazil)
Transatlantic voyage. Distance: 3100 nm in 19 days
16 – 21 NOV 2023
Itajai (Brazil) – Montevideo (Uruguay)
distance: 710 nm in 5 days
22 NOV – 1 DEC 2023
Montevideo (Uruguay)– Ushuaia (Argentina)
distance: 1380 nm in 9 days
Bremerhaven (Germany) – Brest (France)
distance: 750 nm in 5 days
30 SEPT – 5 OCT 2023
Brest (France) – Tenerife (Spain)
distance: 1400 nm in 9 days
6 – 15 OCT 2023
Tenerife (Spain) – Mindelo (Cabo Verde)
distance: 840 nm in 6 days
18 – 24 OCT 2023
Mindelo (Cabo Verde) - Itajai (Brazil)
Transatlantic voyage. Distance: 3100 nm in 19 days
25 OCT – 13 NOV 2023
Itajai (Brazil) – Montevideo (Uruguay)
distance: 710 nm in 5 days
16 – 21 NOV 2023
Montevideo (Uruguay)– Ushuaia (Argentina)
distance: 1380 nm in 9 days
22 NOV – 1 DEC 2023
Two-masted schooner Eldorado
A modern sailing vessel was built at the A. Metz Texdok BV Urk in the Netherlands in 2007.

The ship is equipped with all necessary navigational and safety equipment for an autonomous voyage of up to 35 days. She is 38 metres long and has a mast height of 28 metres

All the participants of the voyage will be accommodated in 6 comfortable double/quadruple cabins with sleeping berths one above the other. Each cabin has a built-in wardrobe, its own shower, lavatory and sink. The cabins are equipped with heating and air conditioning.
Two-masted schooner Eldorado
A modern sailing vessel was built at the A. Metz Texdok BV Urk in the Netherlands in 2007.

The ship is equipped with all necessary navigational and safety equipment for an autonomous voyage of up to 35 days. She is 38 metres long and has a mast height of 28 metres.

All the participants of the voyage will be accommodated in 6 comfortable double/quadruple cabins with sleeping berths one above the other. Each cabin has a built-in wardrobe, its own shower, lavatory and sink. The cabins are equipped with heating and air conditioning.
All the participants of the voyage will be accommodated in 5 double and 1 quadruple cabins.
Each cabin has a built-in wardrobe, its own shower, lavatory and sink. The cabins are equipped with heating and air conditioning.
Our friends share
About experience
My husband and I were on a year-long holiday and were planning a trip to South America. We wanted to go to Argentina and then see penguins, glaciers - all the beauty of those regions. Then we found out about an opportunity to join the crossing on the Amazone schooner, and we knew straightaway it was a great option in terms of time, place and experience we were to gain.

This voyage made us stronger. 16 days at sea without going ashore, sometimes with wind and huge waves. Constant watch duty in such conditions is tough. But we overcame ourselves and it was the most memorable - when you get away from the routine and overcome all the obstacles. The job of the sailors is admirable! I had only been on a small boat before so it was very interesting to see how sails are set on such a big schooner.
— Tatiana Nadyseva, Sweden
Crossing the Atlantic ocean
I'd like to share my impressions from an Antarctic sailing expedition in 2022. As I told my friends that I'd like to SAIL to Antarctica (and I don't have any licenses and only a very little sailing experience), there were 2 opinions, either "Oh, cool!!", or " You're crazy!!". Now I can say that both were right. It was a really cool, but a little bit crazy expedition. To sail through the Drake's passage – it's a unique experience! As a reward after 4 days you see the shore...

We could visit a several research stations, islands with penguin colonies, sea leopards and, of course, the whales. We were lucky to sail with a very professional crew - they made it possible to sail through the iceberg field. That made us feel to visit an other world in all shades of blue.
— Anna Bassin, Germany
Sailing expedition to Antarctica
This week was exceptional as so many different people became a whole, connected to each other and have done an amazing exchange of ideas, energy, experience, knowledge. We worked, and played, and learned and listened, and talked to each other. Steered the wheel, set the sails, kept watches and participated in lectures, learned knots, rode dinghy, played the guitar, sang, connected. I thank the destiny for this opportunity.
— Eugenia Jeitz, Luxembourg
Sailing expedition to Iceland
I’m travelling a lot since my childhood. I saw the geysers of Iceland, deserts of Mongolia, landscapes of “Lord of the Ring” in New Zealand, waterfalls of La Reunion, Bahá’í Gardens in Israel, lakes of Canada, bears of the Arctic, old timers on the roads of Cuba, volcanos of Kamchatka and many other fascinating places of the world. But the trip to Antarctic in February 2022 is difficult to exceed, actually impossible. Extraordinary experience with fantastic people on the sail boat. It is like a trip to another planet full of pinguins, seals, whales, dolphins and seabirds. As the backstage for them are the breathtaking landscapes of ice mountains and meditation peace. And as a company – small family of sailors, who shared with me the night shifts, ice swimming and pancakes (mmm, our cook – it is a separate topic:)) middle of the nowhere. And the worst thing about it – I wish to do it again even more, than I wished before (it was my dream since 20 years).
— Tatiana Majerus, Luxembourg
Sailing expedition to Antarctica
€1 600 per person
Bremerhaven – Brest 30.09.23 – 05.10.23
€1 500 per person
Brest – Tenerife 06.10.23 – 15.10.23
€1 200 per person
€ 750 per person
Itajai – Montevideo 16.11.23 – 21.11.23
€1 200 per person
Montevideo – Ushuaia 22.11.23 – 01.12.23
€1 900 per person
(Tenerife — Itajai
€2 300 per person*)
Tenerife - Mindelo - Itajai 18.10.23 - 13.11.23
€7 200 per person
GREAT SAILING: Bremerhaven – Ushuaia 30.09.23 - 01.12.23
Entire voyage, 60 days, 8180 nm
Tenerife – Mindelo 18.10.23 – 24.10.23
more about
What is included
  • Accommodation in a double/quadruple cabin
  • Three meals a day
  • Educational programme on board
  • First aid on board
What is not included
  • Flights/ transfers to/from the ports
  • Visa (if needed)
more about
What is included
  • Accommodation in a double/quadruple cabin
  • Three meals a day
  • Educational programme on board
  • First aid on board
What is not included
  • Flights/ transfers to / from the ports
  • Visa (if needed)
you asked


More information about the voyage
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